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"I have practiced yoga one-on-one with Deanne for the past year.  Deanne’s approach is absolutely terrific. She developed a plan in advance knowing my experience level and we discussed it in detail before beginning.   She allows me to work at my own pace, uses language I can understand and is hands on to ensure I am always in the right position.  I never realized what an amazing workout yoga can be. She definitely puts me through a great session every week." 

Steve, Toronto

"Working with Deanne has brought so much to the surface for me. She has a way of refocusing my jumbled thoughts into clear direction – a task I don’t believe could be accomplished on my own. She challenges me to think beyond my initial concerns and dig deep for clarity towards my onward path. I feel truly blessed to have her calm, clear demeanour help guide me on my way.”

Leslie, Toronto

"Deanne has this unique ability to create a safe space for you to be able to explore your thoughts and feelings. Her questions are meaningful, impactful and powerful. Deanne allows you to dive deep into yourself and create your own path. She is genuinely interested in you and your journey. She has made a lasting impact on me and my journey. I will be forever grateful for Deanne and her impact on my life."

Allison, Kamloops, BC

"Thank you Deanne!  Over the past 6 months I have deepened my relationship with my partner (and myself)  and I have aligned with a promotion that came with a significant pay increase. Your openness, acceptance and  ability to listen created a perfect space for me to explore the current challenges and issues that are showing up for me.  Your questions and wise insights guide me to connecting with a deeper understanding of what I truly want and what might be blocking me from it.  I leave each session feeling peaceful, refreshed, clear about next steps and inspired to actually take them!" 

Heather, Meaford, ON

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